Master the Future of Energy

On-Line Training in High Voltage Transmission Line Design and PLS CADD

Immerse yourself in the art of transmission line design with the power of PLS CADD

Welcome to my platform specialized in transmission line design with the power of PLS CADD! Here, your goal of learning how to design transmission lines becomes an exciting reality. Discover everything you need to know about this fascinating area of engineering, from the basics to advanced techniques, all backed by the power and precision of PLS CADD. Get ready to master this key industry skill with my expert and practical guide!

Learn at your own pace in the comfort of your home

Study at your own pace from anywhere, anytime with my online courses accessible 24/7.

You don’t need previous experience to learn transmission lines design.

Access to Transmission Line Design Courses

From theoretical foundations to practical application, my courses cover all technical aspects of transmission line design, ensuring that you are fully prepared to face real challenges in the workplace, both in the design office and on the construction site.

Learn Specialized PLS CADD Software

Master the PLS CADD software, an essential tool in the design and analysis of electrical transmission lines, widely used in the industry worldwide.


SG Power & Training LTD is a company dedicated to the training and education of professionals in the Transmission Line Design sector for companies, private consultants, industry employees, educational institutions and students interested in working in this industry.

When talking of Theoretical Design of Transmission Lines, I am not just referring to knowledge of the use of design software in the current market, but to the basic and advanced theory of design techniques used before the existence of all types of software since along my road in this industry since 1992, I have seen as this type of knowledge is very scarce among the personnel who currently works in this industry and, even more, in the young new values; that is to say, this theoretical knowledge faces the risk of being lost from human knowledge with which, all those people who at the time dedicated a large part of their lives to the development of this activity as an industry, will have been in vain.

In this page, you can find a guide for training companies that want to expand the technical capacity of your engineering staff through course design training specially designed to the needs of each client (company or educational institution) or personal training through courses On-Line to increase your design, analysis, evaluation and logistics capabilities transmission line design.

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Do you have questions about my online Transmission Line Design and PLS CADD courses? Do you want to know more about how they can boost your career in the field of electrical engineering? I’m here to help you every step of your way.

Share with me your email and I will provide you with all the information you need to begin your journey toward excellence in power transmission lines design.

Don’t miss the opportunity to acquire skills that will transform your career. Let’s talk!